Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Effective Ways To Avoid Drugs

1.      Choose friends carefully
Wrong association can cause us to fall to bad activity so we must be careful with our own friends. We must dare to say no to drugs and leave our mates who can destroy us. Find new friends when old friends are just trying to plunge us into a bad activity. If you need to choose friends who were pious generally can save us from dangerous of drugs.

2.      Learning to distinguish good and bad one
We need to know, dare to take action and be consistent on different things in this world. If we are not able to take the attitude that the best for ourselves, then the demons that surround us who will determine the destiny of our next. If it is clear that drug and we invite our friends to use it, rejects his invitation, soon leave him and blacklist him from our lives for us. Take decisions quickly and just before he mastered our minds and finally dared to try.

3.      Increase our faith
Using drugs is a sin because it only hurts and damages the body and mind our own. With a large accumulated sins after death then we will go to hell. Drugs also lead us away from God because of our brains just drugs and drug again and again.

4.      Realize that drugs are criminal act
We must afraid of drugs because if the police know we use drugs we can just be thrown into a quiet, cool and scary jail. Jail is not bad because we will be learned by other prisoners and residents and other criminals to become better.

5.      Drugs are addictive things that makes us being devil servant
Once you are taking drugs then we will be forever dependent on the forbidden object. We are not dependent on being able to eat rice because of noodles. But for drug cases we could not find an alternative because we have to do is use the drug continuously until death. By becoming a devil servant, we will be more easily driven by people who have a drug because if we need and only he who has the goods, then we can deliver all the wealth and our good name for a little forbidden goods.

6.      Drugs  only make some losses

Drugs are expensive, hard to
be found, destroying common sense, destructive thoughts, has the potential to kill us, makes us look stupid, can make us go to jail, go to hell, destroying our bodies, destroy family relationships and other people, and others. Drugs have no benefits because of benefits provided only a temporary and virtual and  horrible sorrow behind it.

7.      Being Update Of Information Person
New modes may appear at any time. Be careful and do not let us get stuck because we are not responding to the things that are happening around us. Take care of our family members to inform them about drugs occurring in the environment.

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